Larry Watson

Committee Member: Larry Watson, Responsibility: Immediate Past Chair

Business Owner and Developer – Director at Police into Private Sector, Director at The Way Consulting
I am a co-founder of The Way Consulting, a training and development company specialising in the growth and development of people for business growth delivering more than just profit.

Our team maximises achievable financial and personal growth for business leaders, managers and individuals whilst raising environmental awareness.

As a company we drive environmentally sustainable business growth fast and unlock the real potential of individuals. I am passionate about the real difference our company makes and consider my personal, and professional mission to be the means for growth of my own and others success.


Personal and Business accelerated development, Coaching at executive level, Training and development for SMT’s, Keynote speaker, Green and carbon neutral processes, Communications consulting, Team dynamics, Personal Effectiveness, Networking skills.

Reason for joining XTEND:

Having spent many years in the public sector and SME arena I needed to gain insight into the more corporate arena and, after having attended meetings and spoken to members, formed the view that XTEND was the most suitable and welcoming.

Length of time with XTEND:

Since 2007

What have you gained from XTEND membership?

Insight and knowledge, a large number of diverse, reliable connections and just missed a £1.8m contract. I’ve enjoyed running a self-development SIG (special interest group), being on the committee and now Chair of XTEND.

“I like the ethos of one for all and all for one, members happily share knowledge and expertise at the same time as being available professionally. A vast array of speakers provide educational insights and updates. A warm, friendly greeting and atmosphere makes for enjoyable networking with access to a huge array of talent.”