Douglas Grant

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Committee Member: Douglas Grant

Principal, DGA Business Development-Hotels & Leisure, Partner, 6 Owls Consulting

A hotel and leisure specialist with asset management experience. Specialising in market assessment, commercial due diligence and business planning. Consulting work in both hotels and pubs has often required coordinating operator, investor, and developer interests in ‘buy, build or own’ situations throughout Europe. Working for both private and public sector clients, project roles have ranged from site assessments and planning support through to owner representation.


Industry knowledge and business development skills for strategic or project specific situations in the hotel & leisure industry. Focus on the market assessment, asset management and development of hotel & leisure opportunities. Fluent Portuguese speaker.

Reason for joining XTEND:

To broaden my contact base outside of my industry, to benefit from the sort of seminars and presentations not generally available to independent consultants/interims and to gain exposure outside of my immediate sector.

Length of time with XTEND:

Since 2003/4.

What have you gained from XTEND membership?

A ‘broader church’ of contacts, some interesting and informative presentations and ongoing contact with a group of like-minded people from whom I have gained some relevant business development ideas.

“A ‘broader church’ of contacts, some interesting and informative presentations and ongoing contact with a group of like-minded people from whom I have gained some relevant business development ideas.”