Aug 17

Mark Pearce


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Committee Member: Mark Pearce

HR Consultant and Coach at A Life at Work

Human Resources Consultancy specialising in organisation change including Mergers and Acquisitions and reorganisations in the SME market. Change programmes are support by a coaching practice that focusses on developing leaders and managers to be better people managers. A commercially focussed senior HR professional with extensive experience of change management, reorganisations, mergers and acquisitions, development and recruitment. Thinks strategically and creatively whilst offering a pragmatic, collaborative and can-do approach. Provides coaching to managers and business leaders to develop and tackle people management challenges.


Change Management, Culture Change, Career coaching and transition. People management coaching for managers, business leaders and directors. Restructuring, Mergers and Acquisitions, Recruitment, Assessment Centre Design, Psychometric Assessments including OPQ, MBTI, Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator, Solution Focussed Coaching, CBC (Cognitive Behavioural Coaching)

Reason for joining TEN:

I joined TEN so that I could broaden my network across a wider range of professionals and industries, and TEN is one of a very few networking forums to offer this.

Length of time with TEN:

3 years.

What have you gained from TEN membership?

Since joining I have built a stronger network and gained a much broader perspective on business.