Dear All,
Following our AGM in September, our 22/23 committee has been confirmed:
Thomas Saltiel, Caroline Swain, Richard Owen, James Leeper, Peter Giles, Ian Watkins, Neville Sande, Sue Milton, Martin Knowles – the committee can be viewed here
I would like to thank members and committee members who either led talks or arranged and chaired SIG meetings, in particular – Martin Knowles, Sue Milton, Richard Owen and James Leeper.
As I was reviewing our 2021/22 meetings for the AGM it reminded me of how many great speakers we have had during the year: these can be seen on our website under past speakers.
It also reminded me that XTEND is a friendly, interactive group that was set up by a network of peers nearly 25 years ago to share knowledge and insights, extend contacts and share opportunities. Our speakers and panel meetings are a learning opportunity and our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) focus on smaller meetings. Currently we have an NED SIG, Interim SIG and Lifelong Finance SIG.
As XTEND is now nearly 25 years old, long-term members are now retiring and the group is actively looking for new members – please do tell your network about XTEND and encourage them to try a meeting and join XTEND.
We hope to see you at our monthly meetings – some will be via Zoom and some will be face to face (our Christmas drinks will be in person in London, and our monthly meeting on 15 March, 6pm will be at Scotland House.) Our Special Interest Groups will continue to meet (NED, Interim and Lifelong Finance currently and with more planned.) There will be occasional self-funded small lunches taking place during the year. Our partnership with NEDonBoard has been reignited and we welcome other partnerships too.
We want to hear from you if you have any ideas or requests – please do get in touch.
Our next speaker on 14th November at 6pm will be Barney Jones, Professor of Journalism at City University of London and former Editor of the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show. Given recent developments with the UK government, it is quite apposite that Barney will address us along the following theme:
“In the absence of radical change, an organisation’s culture and history can be the very things that lead to its demise.”
I have no doubt he will draw inferences, inter alia, from his experience at the BBC and his understanding of the Conservative party’s inner workings.
In order to join us please register here
Your intrepid committee is busy scouting for a venue in London for the Christmas Drinks (date tbc) and more will be announced soon.
Looking forward to seeing you on-line or in person very soon.
Best wishes
Thomas Saltiel
Chair XTEND – The Executive Network